It is an alternative to Apple's Newton Connection Kit (NCK), and permits you to have a real time connection to the basic features of your MessagePad. It works with any Apple® MessagePad™.
This program lets you link your Macintosh to the MessagePad and type in your Notes, Names, Dates, Calendar Day Notes, and To Do items. You can also delete or modify any of them as well. Furthermore, you can import tab-delimited text files (i.e. spreadsheet) into Notes, Names, and Dates, or export existing Notes, Names, and Dates from your Newton as well. The RCU Help file takes you through step-by-step.
Please read the Handbook that came with your MessagePad. The RCU assumes you have read the Handbook and are familiar with the MessagePad's basic operations.
RCU consists of software for your MessagePad and software for your computer. You must have both properly installed to make a connection. You must also have a standard Macintosh serial cable (i.e. printer cable). You cannot use a Localtalk (PhoneNet) connector.
If you have not registered your copy of the Revelar Connection Utility (RCU) you will be limited to viewing the first 2 Notes, 2 Names, 2 Dates, and 2 To Do items. Also, the Add and Set buttons are all disabled.
You can register over the telephone with a credit card, and we will unlock the software for you. Here's the procedure:
1. Install the RCU package (Revelar CU.pkg) onto your MessagePad and launch it by tapping on its icon in the Extras drawer. The Notice that you have not registered will disappear after 7 seconds. Next, tap the Info button (a small letter "i" with a box around it). Now tap the Register button.
2. Call Revelar Software at 800-669-5191.
3. Have your VISA or Master Card ready. You have three purchase options:
Online Version ($29.95)—Over the telephone, we will approve your credit card order and give you an authorization number which you will enter in the Registration window on the Newton version of RCU and remove all the limitations. We will then mail you a paid invoice.
Shipped Version ($29.95 plus $10 shipping)—In addition to the Online Version procedure above, we will FedEx® you the RCU software on a disk, the Newton Package Installer, a 6' serial cable, and a User Guide,
Developer Version ($49.95 plus $10 shipping)—In addition to the Shipped Version procedure above, we will include the AppWare® project and ALM that were used to create RCU. (The latter two are useful to programmers of Novell's AppWare, and allows them to add the RCU windows to any program they create, such as client-server access from Newton devices to an Oracle database, etc.)
4. Tell us your unique ID number. This is unique to each Newton and is found in the registration window.
5. After we approve your charge, we will tell you your authorization number which you will enter in the Key field.
6. Tap the Validate Key button. The limitations are removed, but you must first quit and then relaunch your RCU software on the MessagePad. Enjoy!
Yes to both. The RCU does not support repeating Calendar Day Notes or Dates. But… the RCU allows you to synchronize the Newton's date and time with your computer's clock.
We currently ship 3 sample import files: Sample Note Import, Sample Name Import, and Sample Date Import. These are spreadsheet files that show you the proper import format for each import option. The import file must be a TAB-DELIMITED TEXT FILE. Each row in the document is a new record, such as a Name, Note, or Appointment. The first row in our samples contains the field names that correspond to the MessagePad and RCU, and is only for illustration. Do not import a file with these field names on the first row.
It does not matter which port you select in the Status window, if there is only one serial port on your PowerBook (i.e. 500 series).
If you have a modem and printer connected to their respective ports, you will have to unplug one of them in order to connect to the Newton device. We recommend you unplug the modem, since, 1) The Newton Package Installer is set to install the Revelar CU.pkg through the modem port; and 2) You may want to print reports while you are working. Another solution is to purchase a serial port switch box. This is a small box that you plug both modem and Newton serial cables into with a switch to designate which you are using. While there are several products on the market, an inexpensive box we use can be purchased from MacWarehouse at 1-800-255-6227.
Ask for: Model #BND0199. It sells for $19.95 plus $3.00 for overnight shipping.
The following changes have been made since version 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2:
Macintosh application
• Name change. This was made to avoid trademark violations of Apple Computer.
• Day Notes have been added.
• Exporting feature has been added.
• Graphical changes: Button shapes and alignment, window background colors.
• Pop-up window titles redraw bug fix.
• Arrow cursor bug fix on application resume or suspend.
• Clearing name fields no longer assigns the current date to the birthday field.
• No longer a limitation to the number of Notes, Names, Dates, etc. in the index.
Newton application
• Name change. This was made to avoid trademark violations of Apple Computer.
• Smaller connect window that is now draggable (so you can see behind it).
• Repeating Dates, plus if enough people register we will include Localtalk/AppleTalk connectivity this summer. So please register! It will be a free upgrade if you do.
• German and French versions are in the works. All European input is welcome (by e-mail).
Apple, Macintosh, Mac, Newton, MessagePad, PowerBook, Localtalk (PhoneNet), and NCK are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. FedEx is a trademark of Federal Express. AppWare is a trademark of Novell, Inc. Revelar Connection Utility™ and RCU are trademarks of Revelar, Inc. All other trademarks are property of their respective companies.